Thursday, September 30, 2010

i asked myself

"What do you really want in life?"

find my place under the sun,
light my own candle,
keep my candle's fire burning brightly,

so that, one way or another, i might help others

find their place under the sun,
light their own candle,
keep their candle's fire burning brightly

so that, one way or another, they might help others

find their place under the sun,
light their own candle,
keep their candle's fire burning brightly

hopefully, I could be at least a GI* instead of a BI*,hehe ;)

*GI = Good Influence
*BI = Bad Influence

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

short bio

embracing freecycle, simplicity and minimalism one step at a time, while attracting and sharing abundance at the same time ;)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


3 years 4 months and 2 days from now, I wonder where would I be. Exciting!

Feel free to follow my journey. I hope we'll both learn a lot along the way ;)